Well not really stolen it. I have every intention to give it back once I've finished but Ben hasn't been very kind to me and this is me taking a stand. I'm going to tell you all about me, because she is an idiot and never does as she is told. She never says anything about me except that it hurts. Why does everything hurt her so much? she is such a baby.
Anyway, I have someone to help me with this... Franz? Franz, are you here?
Um...yes, I am here. Are you sure about this? I...haven't ever done anything like this before. Am I doing it right? And...this isn't going to make Jim mad, is it? I've already made her mad and I think she has things planned - not nice things - as payback.
Oh don't be such a coward. Anyway, Jim and Ben, they never has to find out. It can be our little secret, And just think, we'll actually be able to give out information! All Ben every says it that I hurt. I don't even know what that means!! I'm good to her! Dimitri is the one who should hurt.
At least Ben talks about you. All Jim has told anyone is I am the Nazi in her Historical Fiction book. I'm not even a Nazi....technically. I mean, I am, but there is more to it than that. Oh, and who is Dimitri? And what kinds of things shall we talk about and tell everyone? And hurt...what does she mean? Do you hurt her or do you hurt you? How do you even understand Authors?
Authors are ridiculous. They yell a lot. And they never tell everything. 'Oh Tyson's a pirate.' I'm not just a pirate! For pity sakes, I sound so dull that way! As for Dimitri, he is all Ben will rave about. I don't know why. I'm much more interesting than he is. And I don't think he likes me. But I'm getting off track. Here, ask me a question. Let's see what happens.
I know how you feel. A bit. Jim is kind of like that with Japhet...not that I mind. He is my best friend after all. I can see why she likes him, but if it wasn't for Ben I would have been a bad guy! Thank Ben for me for that.
Okay, question....um.....what do you mean when you said you aren't just a pirate?
Exactly what I said. I'm not just a pirate. I'm a thief! I'm a common criminal. I've broken out of dungeons and outwitted kings! I am quite brilliant really. But all anyone remembers is that I am a pirate and its not fair. I never even wanted to be a pirate. It was forced on to me.
My turn. Why were you almost a bad guy? you seem like a pretty decent fellow to me. But maybe that's because I'm not so good myself.
You seem to be proud of the fact you're a thief....is it a profession everyone in your world wants? And how did you get piracy forced on you?
Hm...well, I don't think I am a bad guy. I guess, though, every man - even the mot cruel - doesn't think of himself as the bad guy. I am a German, and I end up joining the Nazis in an attempt to help get my family and my best friend's family out of Germany. Nazis are....well, not very well liked by the Jews. And my best friend, Japhet, he's a Jew.
Poor Japhet. I would hate to be him. Lucky to have a friend like you, hm? But it does seem a bit unfair that he should be killed for what he believes. What does he do as a Jew? is it bad?
Well you can be a Thief-for-Hire, but mostly I just like knowing I can break into anything and take whatever I want. Makes me feel powerful I suppose. It is better than being a pirate. I've always hated being a pirate. There was a bad situation. and it was my father's fault.
I guess. I mean, I rely on him as much as he relies on me. If he wasn't there for me I would be in a pretty bad situation. He doesn't believe it - kind of the feeling you get, I guess, when there is a whole army trying to kill you - but I really need him around. He....well, being a Jew isn't a job or anything. It is, kind of his nationality. His parents, they were Christians, and they didn't really - it is confusing. They practiced some of the Jewish traditions, but not a lot of them. But no one cared. They were Jews, that is all that mattered to the Nazis. So, being a Jew isn't bad, just some people think it is.
Do they have jobs where you are? Is that why you have to take things, because it is like my country and there isn't enough work? (Your job does sound exciting. I would even try it...but I think my mom would strangle me if I did something like that.)
Oh no. My country - that is the country I was born in, its in a terrible state of disarray right now. There has just been a war you see and no one can get work anywhere. Some of the kingdoms are doing better than others but on a whole the whole country is falling apart. And the idiotic steward wont do anything about it. To bad Prince James had to desert his country just when it needed him.
That makes it very confusing. So Japhet isn't even a Jew at all, not really. If the Nazi's hate him why did you join them? I thought you were friends.
Oh, wars are never good. I can understand wars. Who is your Prince James? Was he going to become a king and make everything better in your country?
There is something of a long story behind me joining the Nazis, but I don't think it would do harm to explain a little behind it. I join because I wanted to gather information. Not only to help my family escape, but also to help Japhet and I escape after they were all out. (He and I stay behind in Berlin until everyone else is safe. I don't suppose it was one of our better ideas, but it is hard to see into the future and know what is coming and how to prepare for it. Also, it was for our families. We both were desperate and that made us act foolish at times.)
So you and Japhet planned to leave together and then you became a Nazi? I understand what you mean about not seeing the future. How did you explain that to Japhet?
I don't know much about Prince James. I don't tend to keep up with the royals, especially because those of Royalty don't really fancy me. Criminal, and all that. All I know is that he is the one true heir to the throne and ever since he has disappeared but things have happened. His cousin, Aaron, he is an idiot in all terms of the word. If one didn't know better you'd think he'd been born with no brains and no manners. There are times I wonder if he is even related to royal blood at all.
I, um, I explained it to Japhet the same way he explained that he had joined the Resistance. Another long story.....let's just say, things don't go over well. When the world is telling you a Nazi and a Jew cant be friends, you tend to start to believe them.
You seem to have issues with Aaron. Is he in charge now that James is gone?
. You're war sounds even worse than mine. Japhet is in the Resistance? Is that a force that is trying to stop the war? Because my war has a Rebellion and it sounds kind of the same.
I don't like morons and Aaron is a moron. I don't know if he's in charge at all. I think he just sits on his throne and the council decides everything. I know Dimitri and Nightly both seem to hold a personal grudge against the man. He sort of exiled them.
The Resistance is kind of like a rebellion. They are group of Jews who are standing up to the Nazis and trying to fight back. So, I guess it is about the same thing.
Moron....I've heard Jimmy use that. It is like idiot, right? Aaron sounds like someone who has very few friends and plenty of enemies. Are you fighting against him?
I do my best to keep out of these situations. I like my life. But Dimitri and Nightly are trying to figt Aaron and after I met Michael I suppose things changed. Now we're just trying to keep the world from ending.
You remind me a little of myself Franz. Tell me something. Would you consider yourself the villain of the story?
Your friends sound brave and like someone to be admired. I am sure you are honored to know them.
No. No more than I would consider Japhet the villain. I believe both of us are confused during the story and unsure who we can trust. We are both being lied to and, I think part of it, is the trouble started when we were both still really young. When we enter Germany Japhet is only sixteen and I am seventeen. In spite of what everyone says about having to grow up fast during wars, it is hard to actually do it and we both end up trusting people we shouldn't. I don't even know if I am what is called the antagonist in the story. I think Japhet and I fit both roles.
What about you? What do you consider yourself?
I was your age when I met Michael, Franz. Look at that. There is another thing we have in common. We are both very young and stupid and make stupid choices. I know I am an antagonist but I'm not sure about the villain aspect. That is more the King's role. Not King Aaron. The King of Algarome. Now he is a villain.
I've never thought of my friends as brave. Mad, yes. Reckless, yes. Ridiculous, yes. But not brave. Or maybe I've just never seen true bravery and don't know how to respond it. I do know Michael was brave. and that is how I know I am not. Do you think you are brave, Franz? Do you think Japhet is braver than you?
Wars are worse when you are younger, I am convinced of it.
The King...I think I have heard Jim screaming at him a few times....he sounds horrible if he is the one she is mad at. I believe the villain in our story is the Nazis, and Hitler, not that we meet Hitler.
I have seen bravery. I have seen men who should be hiding under their beds standing up to those who have the power to torture them and kill them. So I feel I can safely say your friends are brave. (As well as likely reckless and mad, but I think one has to have a certain amount of those qualities to be brave. It is men who over think things that tend to be cowards.)
Japhet is the bravest person I know. Being the character, I do know as much as the Author, so I know what is coming. I know what Japhet goes through, I know what he suffers and how it changes him. And I believe he is brave because of it. Grown men gave up for things less than what Japhet has gone through...or will. And next to him, I do not think I am brave. I do what I have to, but every day I wake up it is to a looming sense of fear I cannot shake. Maybe bravery isn't the lack of fear, but it would help.
And you? Do you consider yourself brave by comparison to your friends?
I have heard Ben crying because of what happens to Japhet, and its the same way she cries over Dimitri so I am guessing it is pretty awful. Japhet must be a very courageous man.
I know the outcome of the story, like you do. I know what will happen in the end. But even knowing that, in comparison with Michael or even Dimitri I don't see myself as brave. Michael, Michael was a hero. I don' t know if I'll ever see myself as that. I don't think I ever could be. I'm too much of a pirate to be a hero, ironically enough. Though, in the end, there may be some who disagree with me. One who is the most shocking of all.
Jim claims it is hard to see oneself as a hero when they can't see the change in themselves. I can see her point because Japhet does not think of himself as a hero either, but I feel just like you. I don't think I will ever be able to consider myself a hero. I think Jimmy is even more of a hero than I am.
Oh I've heard what happens to Dimitri. Authors and inflicting pain on us!
Who is Jimmy? Is he a Nazi like you? Are you friends?
Ben says the same thing. I think Ben considers me a hero. She's told me I'm not evil. Its more like I'm misunderstood. That doesn't make me feel any better. What does it mean, to be misunderstood???
Did Jim shout about Dimitri like Ben shouted about Japhet? Don't they know characters have ears?
Jimmy is an American pilot who become friends with Japhet. I don't really get to know him till the end. He is kind of annoying....he is really annoying. But he is a good friend and I like him because he looks after Japhet.
I have no idea about misunderstood. I think it is a fancy way Authors say we need help. Sort of like they don't want us to feel bad about being misfits.
Well...if Ben shouted really loud and slammed doors over Japhet than yes that is how Jim reacted.
Jimmy sounds like a good friend. He sounds like Peregrine.
I think we have very emotional authors. I wonder if other characters have this problem with their creators and what they do about it. Sometimes I have to poke Ben until she calms down. Do you ever poke Jim? and speaking of poking, Ben said something about being back around this time. I'd hate to be caught apprehending her blog.
If Peregrine is slightly annoying and stupidly devoted to his friends then yes, that is Jimmy.
I haven't poked Jim yet, she gets violent when poked. I usually just follow her around, being dashing, and charming. That is how she puts it. I don't know how charming I really am, but you know, I just over board the gentleman thing till I have her laughing and ready to write.
Oh...Authors return. We should go then. I don't think they would like us taking over their blog.
I think Peregrine and Jimmy would understand each other. I poke Ben all the time but she has threatened to kill me if I keep doing it, and I beginning to worry she might mean it. I mean, she likes me but poking does things to her. She gets this look in her eyes....
Our writers are awfully protective of us. You'd think we belonged to them or something. I suppose this means we have to run away and hide before they find us here. It was nice talking to you Franz. I think we made a real connection here. We should do this again.
I think I know that look. It sounds like the one Jim gets.
We should. It is nice having someone to talk to who kind of understands what I am going through in my book, and the same the other way around - or something like that. You are very clever for thinking of it and we shall have to try it again.
For now though, I will say goodbye.
How do you end one of these things? Ben usually slides off something. Should I slide of something?
Well.....might be fun. You could always jump out of a tree. Japhet and I used to jump out of trees....I don't know if that is the same as sliding though.
I'll jump off a waterfall because I do that sort of thing. You can jump out of a tree after me.
*Jumps off a waterfall*
*Shrugs and jumps out of a tree*
Oh don't be such a coward. Anyway, Jim and Ben, they never has to find out. It can be our little secret, And just think, we'll actually be able to give out information! All Ben every says it that I hurt. I don't even know what that means!! I'm good to her! Dimitri is the one who should hurt.
At least Ben talks about you. All Jim has told anyone is I am the Nazi in her Historical Fiction book. I'm not even a Nazi....technically. I mean, I am, but there is more to it than that. Oh, and who is Dimitri? And what kinds of things shall we talk about and tell everyone? And hurt...what does she mean? Do you hurt her or do you hurt you? How do you even understand Authors?
Authors are ridiculous. They yell a lot. And they never tell everything. 'Oh Tyson's a pirate.' I'm not just a pirate! For pity sakes, I sound so dull that way! As for Dimitri, he is all Ben will rave about. I don't know why. I'm much more interesting than he is. And I don't think he likes me. But I'm getting off track. Here, ask me a question. Let's see what happens.
I know how you feel. A bit. Jim is kind of like that with Japhet...not that I mind. He is my best friend after all. I can see why she likes him, but if it wasn't for Ben I would have been a bad guy! Thank Ben for me for that.
Okay, question....um.....what do you mean when you said you aren't just a pirate?
Exactly what I said. I'm not just a pirate. I'm a thief! I'm a common criminal. I've broken out of dungeons and outwitted kings! I am quite brilliant really. But all anyone remembers is that I am a pirate and its not fair. I never even wanted to be a pirate. It was forced on to me.
My turn. Why were you almost a bad guy? you seem like a pretty decent fellow to me. But maybe that's because I'm not so good myself.
You seem to be proud of the fact you're a thief....is it a profession everyone in your world wants? And how did you get piracy forced on you?
Hm...well, I don't think I am a bad guy. I guess, though, every man - even the mot cruel - doesn't think of himself as the bad guy. I am a German, and I end up joining the Nazis in an attempt to help get my family and my best friend's family out of Germany. Nazis are....well, not very well liked by the Jews. And my best friend, Japhet, he's a Jew.
Poor Japhet. I would hate to be him. Lucky to have a friend like you, hm? But it does seem a bit unfair that he should be killed for what he believes. What does he do as a Jew? is it bad?
Well you can be a Thief-for-Hire, but mostly I just like knowing I can break into anything and take whatever I want. Makes me feel powerful I suppose. It is better than being a pirate. I've always hated being a pirate. There was a bad situation. and it was my father's fault.
I guess. I mean, I rely on him as much as he relies on me. If he wasn't there for me I would be in a pretty bad situation. He doesn't believe it - kind of the feeling you get, I guess, when there is a whole army trying to kill you - but I really need him around. He....well, being a Jew isn't a job or anything. It is, kind of his nationality. His parents, they were Christians, and they didn't really - it is confusing. They practiced some of the Jewish traditions, but not a lot of them. But no one cared. They were Jews, that is all that mattered to the Nazis. So, being a Jew isn't bad, just some people think it is.
Do they have jobs where you are? Is that why you have to take things, because it is like my country and there isn't enough work? (Your job does sound exciting. I would even try it...but I think my mom would strangle me if I did something like that.)
Oh no. My country - that is the country I was born in, its in a terrible state of disarray right now. There has just been a war you see and no one can get work anywhere. Some of the kingdoms are doing better than others but on a whole the whole country is falling apart. And the idiotic steward wont do anything about it. To bad Prince James had to desert his country just when it needed him.
That makes it very confusing. So Japhet isn't even a Jew at all, not really. If the Nazi's hate him why did you join them? I thought you were friends.
Oh, wars are never good. I can understand wars. Who is your Prince James? Was he going to become a king and make everything better in your country?
There is something of a long story behind me joining the Nazis, but I don't think it would do harm to explain a little behind it. I join because I wanted to gather information. Not only to help my family escape, but also to help Japhet and I escape after they were all out. (He and I stay behind in Berlin until everyone else is safe. I don't suppose it was one of our better ideas, but it is hard to see into the future and know what is coming and how to prepare for it. Also, it was for our families. We both were desperate and that made us act foolish at times.)
So you and Japhet planned to leave together and then you became a Nazi? I understand what you mean about not seeing the future. How did you explain that to Japhet?
I don't know much about Prince James. I don't tend to keep up with the royals, especially because those of Royalty don't really fancy me. Criminal, and all that. All I know is that he is the one true heir to the throne and ever since he has disappeared but things have happened. His cousin, Aaron, he is an idiot in all terms of the word. If one didn't know better you'd think he'd been born with no brains and no manners. There are times I wonder if he is even related to royal blood at all.
I, um, I explained it to Japhet the same way he explained that he had joined the Resistance. Another long story.....let's just say, things don't go over well. When the world is telling you a Nazi and a Jew cant be friends, you tend to start to believe them.
You seem to have issues with Aaron. Is he in charge now that James is gone?
. You're war sounds even worse than mine. Japhet is in the Resistance? Is that a force that is trying to stop the war? Because my war has a Rebellion and it sounds kind of the same.
I don't like morons and Aaron is a moron. I don't know if he's in charge at all. I think he just sits on his throne and the council decides everything. I know Dimitri and Nightly both seem to hold a personal grudge against the man. He sort of exiled them.
The Resistance is kind of like a rebellion. They are group of Jews who are standing up to the Nazis and trying to fight back. So, I guess it is about the same thing.
Moron....I've heard Jimmy use that. It is like idiot, right? Aaron sounds like someone who has very few friends and plenty of enemies. Are you fighting against him?
I do my best to keep out of these situations. I like my life. But Dimitri and Nightly are trying to figt Aaron and after I met Michael I suppose things changed. Now we're just trying to keep the world from ending.
You remind me a little of myself Franz. Tell me something. Would you consider yourself the villain of the story?
Your friends sound brave and like someone to be admired. I am sure you are honored to know them.
No. No more than I would consider Japhet the villain. I believe both of us are confused during the story and unsure who we can trust. We are both being lied to and, I think part of it, is the trouble started when we were both still really young. When we enter Germany Japhet is only sixteen and I am seventeen. In spite of what everyone says about having to grow up fast during wars, it is hard to actually do it and we both end up trusting people we shouldn't. I don't even know if I am what is called the antagonist in the story. I think Japhet and I fit both roles.
What about you? What do you consider yourself?
I was your age when I met Michael, Franz. Look at that. There is another thing we have in common. We are both very young and stupid and make stupid choices. I know I am an antagonist but I'm not sure about the villain aspect. That is more the King's role. Not King Aaron. The King of Algarome. Now he is a villain.
I've never thought of my friends as brave. Mad, yes. Reckless, yes. Ridiculous, yes. But not brave. Or maybe I've just never seen true bravery and don't know how to respond it. I do know Michael was brave. and that is how I know I am not. Do you think you are brave, Franz? Do you think Japhet is braver than you?
Wars are worse when you are younger, I am convinced of it.
The King...I think I have heard Jim screaming at him a few times....he sounds horrible if he is the one she is mad at. I believe the villain in our story is the Nazis, and Hitler, not that we meet Hitler.
I have seen bravery. I have seen men who should be hiding under their beds standing up to those who have the power to torture them and kill them. So I feel I can safely say your friends are brave. (As well as likely reckless and mad, but I think one has to have a certain amount of those qualities to be brave. It is men who over think things that tend to be cowards.)
Japhet is the bravest person I know. Being the character, I do know as much as the Author, so I know what is coming. I know what Japhet goes through, I know what he suffers and how it changes him. And I believe he is brave because of it. Grown men gave up for things less than what Japhet has gone through...or will. And next to him, I do not think I am brave. I do what I have to, but every day I wake up it is to a looming sense of fear I cannot shake. Maybe bravery isn't the lack of fear, but it would help.
And you? Do you consider yourself brave by comparison to your friends?
I have heard Ben crying because of what happens to Japhet, and its the same way she cries over Dimitri so I am guessing it is pretty awful. Japhet must be a very courageous man.
I know the outcome of the story, like you do. I know what will happen in the end. But even knowing that, in comparison with Michael or even Dimitri I don't see myself as brave. Michael, Michael was a hero. I don' t know if I'll ever see myself as that. I don't think I ever could be. I'm too much of a pirate to be a hero, ironically enough. Though, in the end, there may be some who disagree with me. One who is the most shocking of all.
Jim claims it is hard to see oneself as a hero when they can't see the change in themselves. I can see her point because Japhet does not think of himself as a hero either, but I feel just like you. I don't think I will ever be able to consider myself a hero. I think Jimmy is even more of a hero than I am.
Oh I've heard what happens to Dimitri. Authors and inflicting pain on us!
Who is Jimmy? Is he a Nazi like you? Are you friends?
Ben says the same thing. I think Ben considers me a hero. She's told me I'm not evil. Its more like I'm misunderstood. That doesn't make me feel any better. What does it mean, to be misunderstood???
Did Jim shout about Dimitri like Ben shouted about Japhet? Don't they know characters have ears?
Jimmy is an American pilot who become friends with Japhet. I don't really get to know him till the end. He is kind of annoying....he is really annoying. But he is a good friend and I like him because he looks after Japhet.
I have no idea about misunderstood. I think it is a fancy way Authors say we need help. Sort of like they don't want us to feel bad about being misfits.
Well...if Ben shouted really loud and slammed doors over Japhet than yes that is how Jim reacted.
Jimmy sounds like a good friend. He sounds like Peregrine.
I think we have very emotional authors. I wonder if other characters have this problem with their creators and what they do about it. Sometimes I have to poke Ben until she calms down. Do you ever poke Jim? and speaking of poking, Ben said something about being back around this time. I'd hate to be caught apprehending her blog.
If Peregrine is slightly annoying and stupidly devoted to his friends then yes, that is Jimmy.
I haven't poked Jim yet, she gets violent when poked. I usually just follow her around, being dashing, and charming. That is how she puts it. I don't know how charming I really am, but you know, I just over board the gentleman thing till I have her laughing and ready to write.
Oh...Authors return. We should go then. I don't think they would like us taking over their blog.
I think Peregrine and Jimmy would understand each other. I poke Ben all the time but she has threatened to kill me if I keep doing it, and I beginning to worry she might mean it. I mean, she likes me but poking does things to her. She gets this look in her eyes....
Our writers are awfully protective of us. You'd think we belonged to them or something. I suppose this means we have to run away and hide before they find us here. It was nice talking to you Franz. I think we made a real connection here. We should do this again.
I think I know that look. It sounds like the one Jim gets.
We should. It is nice having someone to talk to who kind of understands what I am going through in my book, and the same the other way around - or something like that. You are very clever for thinking of it and we shall have to try it again.
For now though, I will say goodbye.
How do you end one of these things? Ben usually slides off something. Should I slide of something?
Well.....might be fun. You could always jump out of a tree. Japhet and I used to jump out of trees....I don't know if that is the same as sliding though.
I'll jump off a waterfall because I do that sort of thing. You can jump out of a tree after me.
*Jumps off a waterfall*
*Shrugs and jumps out of a tree*
Tyson and Franz, you two make me laugh. :) You should definitely get together more often. Your stories do sound very interesting.