I have sitting with me today, my best friend, Ben - more commonly known as Bella. We are going to attempt something today. Don't ask us what it is because it is us and anything can happen. Probably lots of Bucky references.
But anyways, Ben, want to introduce yourself?
*Marches in all epic-and-Bucky-Like* Hallo! I'm Ben. And I'm here today to.... to.... Like Jim here says, we are going to attempt something today, but neither of us are quite sure what, so try and go with it. And try not to go lost.
*Snatches your knife and does the Epic Bucky Knife Flip*
So yes, now that you know who we are, we will have to actually get around to talking about something. Something other than the weather, because that is boring. Maybe something like writing, or books.....I just got myself stuck. I need some inspiration, Ben. Any grand ideas for subjects?
*Sulks because you took my knife.*
Yes. Writing is good. Especially because I've been doing so much of it this month. Jim and I, we were having quite the conversation the other night about how confusing characters can be and how they run around doing things we don't want them to do. Like randomly falling in love
*Keeps flipping the knife and smiles smugly*
Which is really rather rude of them. I try not to be a bossy Author, but I could do with a tad bit of a heads up. Especially where romance is involved. It is hard knowing what to do with romantic characters, especially when a person isn't romantic themselves. Friendships are easier.
*Tries to snatch the knife and gets hit in the head. Rubs head sulkily and glares.* Yes. Friendship are MUCH easier. And they are a lot more fun to write. I have a couple friendship stories going on right now, and they are quite good I think. Its really fun having people realize they like each other. It only gets confusing when suddenly one character decides he likes another character more than normal. That is soooo weird
*Flips the knife again.* Sorry about that, want some milk?
Oh! I know! Which do you like better, as far as friendships go? Best friends who have been buddies since they were kids, or mortal enemies who become friends when they least saw it coming? *Blinks and smiles* You know who I am talking about
Do not SPEAK of Milk. I will smack you! I will smack you and make you drop your knife!
Uhm.... that's hard!! I like friends who have known each other their whole life. I think those are really, really sweet. Like Bucky and Steve. They are one of the best friendships stories ever. But stories about FINDING friendship? I dunno... I guess I have a really special place for those. I love it when people you thought would kill each other sooner than shake hands end up becoming closer than anyone else in the world. Like TWO CHARACTERS I will not put names on. *Glares at The Runaway King*
MILK MILK MILK MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hides under the cushions*
I don't think I can pick a favourite either. I've done both. Like Tony and Peter - even though they haven't been friends their WHOLE lives, it has been close enough. Then there is other friendship stories I do, mostly in the Blade books, were enemies become best friends. Friendship stories of all kinds are fun.
And...YES YES YES!!!! To The Runaway King friendship!!!! That one made me so happy. Also Bucky and Steve, which made me happy in a sad way.
*Jump on your cushions and pelts you* Stop shouting Milk! It hurts!!! Do you like causing me pain?? *Glares and steals knife back. Sticks out tongue*
I think as far as writing goes, its more fun to write enemies becoming friends. I really like those stories. Like, I want Thor and Loki to be friends. I want it a lot. I think its fun to experience those stories too. And there actually aren't many of them. Usually its friends BECOMING enemies, and not the opposite. That is why I am excited for you new book. I was hoping something like that would happen. (You know which one I'm talking about)
*Grabs a Nerf gun* FEAR ME! I'm ARMED! And I want the knife back. And of course I like causing you pain, it is how we show affection.
I think Thor and Loki will be friends because Loki keeps calling him brother, even though he pretends to hate him. And you're right, I didn't notice it before, but usually stories are friends becoming enemies. *Cough* Bucky and Steve *Cough* (Don't forget, I'm armed)
I had fun making my two enemies friends 8-D And you owe me for things, so you have to do the same in your book.
*Runs and picks up pillow for SHIELD* Don't hurt me!
Then give me back the knife. *Pouts*
Its my knife, I brought it. Get your own knife if you want one so bad.
I had one. A Winchester one, but I was practicing the knife flip and stuck my hand and the doctor took it away
You had a Winchester knife??? why did you never tell me? Now I'm afraid to give you my knife. What if you stick yourself again?
Because you yelled at me whenever I offered you milk. I was never sure what else you might yell at me for. And no, I won't stick myself. I was flipping your life for, like, twenty minutes and I didn't stick anyone
I only yelled over milk because it give me Bucky pain. *Looks at audience* Does anyone have any idea how long its been since Bucky has had a proper glass of milk?? Huh? well, you see my point. It hurts. *Sulks* You have a nerf gun. its not fair to have a nerf gun AND a knife. And you don't even flip it properly
You gave me Bucky pain back. Milk was revenge for...I don't remember which one. You gave me so much pain. I think it was for your comment about how Steve was trying to make Bucky remember even on the helicarrier when he knew Bucky would kill him. But who knows anymore. You've come up with so many things.
I was too flipping it right! Because I am cool, and you say I am the Bucky to your Steve, so that means you're the one who flips it wrong.
I do NOT flip it wrong!! And I had a right to give you pain! You were the one who talked about Bucky's broken arm. And that HURT. So there *Sticks out tongue.*
You did so! Flip it and I will show you.
I know, that one was pretty good. And the train one. I am a bit proud of those two. But you came up with more.
You know what? this is ridiculous. *Stalks off. Comes back, this time with two knives. Give you one* There. Happy?? AND SEE I DO FLIP IT RIGHT!! *flips several times to prove it*
You ask me to give you pain. I was just obliging. And I was in a sad mood when I wrote about how Bucky was broken, because I had to hurt one of my characters and I was mad. Anyway, you HELP write the pain, I don't do it on my own
*Smiles and flips the new knife* Want my other Nerf gun?
And yeah, I guess you flip it good.
Eh, we are pretty bad when we get really sad and get together. AND, I was sad when I came up with the broken arm thing because of Striker. So, I had the same reasons as you.
You know, our dear listeners...they probably don't know about most of this pain.....
Ah. You are write. *rubs hands together* Should we tell them??
They're all DYING to know. I can see it in their beady little eyes.
This will become a Bucky post if we start down this road.... Do you think the listeners would mind?
Well, we did warn them it was likely to end up here. Everything we do or say ALWAYS ends up here. And, that is one of our talents, inflicting Bucky pain on everyone
It is a talent. I'm also not sure if we should continue with the writing thing... cause writing actually hurts to talk about right now. We should stick with nice, safe, Bucky pain
You made me laugh, this is why I don't drink tea when I talk to you, I'd end up blowing up my computer. But really, how sad is that when our writing hurts us more than Bucky? WHAT ARE WE DOING IN OUR BOOKS!?!?!?!
I can't talk about it. It hurts too much. I really loved him and now it just hurts. Bucky pain is okay, cause there is hope.
I second that
But what should we start with?? Should we give them the arm run? (you realize if we do this we can't save it for the Blog party)
That's what I was wondering. I like of like the arm one, and the train one. Those are my two most painful observations. Is there another we can do and just make everyone wonder till the party?
We could do Steve and Bucky when they realize who they are fighting. Like we did last night
Ehehehehe, yes, let's!
I need to go get it though. Should I just like... copy it and put it here?
Yes. It would be less lazy to just type it all, but you and I are Authors and we type all the time. We deserve moments of laziness. *Eats a cookie to prove her point*
How is it that we are both eating cookies?
We've become so connected we are copying each other without realizing it.
That is awesome.
Okay. Now we are just stalling and being mean to keep them on the edge of their seats
I excel at being mean. But yes, post away, my dear Ben.
(this is going to have spoilers, so you might want to run if you haven't seen the movie yet)
We were talking about the scene where Steve is talking to Natasha and he says: "He looked right at me. He didn't even know me." Because right up until that point, steve knows exactly what he has to do. The Winter Soldier is a threat and has to be taken down. He understands that, he sees that. And he is doing everything in his power to stop this menace, this murder. Bucky is his MISSION
Right up until Steve realizes who he is.
When Steve sees its Bucky his whole world implodes
The last time he saw his best friend he was falling to his death, screaming.
And now here he is. He doesn't know his name. He is a killer. He doesn't remember being Bucky or who Steve is, and he is a dangerous assassin
And he isn't Steve's best friend anymore. He is Steve's Mission
Everyone goes on and on about how Bucky had to kill Steve and he didn't know who he was
But Steve was trying to kill Bucky before he knew who he was
Bucky was just as much his mission as he was Bucky's
He asks Bucky not to make him do it, he was hoping, but he was still going to kill him because he has to save everyone
We love readers. HAVE SOME PAIN!
I love how this started out as a character-frustration and has turned into BUCKY!!
Pretty much how our lives have been lately.
Seriously, readers. We haven't been able to get through a conversation without Bucky ONCE since we've seen the movie. Its kind of sad. *flips knife*
Lives. We kind of need them.
Obsessing over fictional characters. That is our life. How sad is that?
At least we have fun
And it beats reading the newspaper and drinking coffee in fast food restaurants
Yes. I'd rather talk about Bucy pain then about what you had for lunch.
Unless it was ant peach preserves
So long as they aren't rotten
Nope, they were pretty fresh
But overall normal lives frighten me
so all of you out there.
don't expect normal on this blog
Because we are as unnormal as they come
We are. We're sociopaths
High functioning sociopaths, do your research
But if you like weird and random and geeky you will like this place. Its quite lovely really. So... if you want to, stick around. We'll pop in an out. Like a Jack-in-the-box. *flips knife*
*Snatches the knife* In other words, don't let us frighten you off. Come back, we have milk
We have lots of milk. and we pour tall glasses. *tackles for knife*
We pour them full. *Dodges* MY KNIFE!
*tries to hit you.*
I think its time we popped off. We're getting violent now
*Throws a pillow at your head*
You're right. Good bye, new readers!
Come again! We will be here. We will always be here. *flips knife, grinning*
Because we have no lives! BYE!
*Jumps out of a plane*
*slides off car*
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